Sunday, March 27, 2011

first grade lesson plan

Hometown Maps

Students will learn about important places in their hometown.
Students will learn the route from their home to their school.
Students will learn location of important places relative to their homes.
Students will learn about safe routes.
Students will learn where to get help if they need it.
Students will create maps of their route, including, signs, symbols, landmarks and other things that will reinforce these objectives.

Standards Addressed
Previously Mastered Skills-
1. Control pencil in going from one corner to the other, up and down and side to side.
2. Able to draw simple objects shapes and patterns.
1. Produce line drawings showing an awareness of self in the local world, using symbols in communicating meaning.
2. Talk about your artwork and its meaning with another person.


Line: A stroke between two dots
Organic line: irregular, bumpy lines found in nature (spirals, coils, branching, drops, starbursts)
Geometric line: straight lines or lines that sharply change direction
Line design: repetitive lines making patterns
Symbols- A symbol can be a material object whose shape or origin is related, by nature or convention, to the
Thing it represents


I will talk about important places in our hometown like schools, hospital, police departments, etc.
2. I will show students a map and explain how they work. Students will then draw a map from their home to school.
3. I will have students draw images and include symbols for the school, police station, fire station and other landmarks that lie along their routes.
4. I will discuss these symbols with the students while they’re working on their own images.

5. Students will place the images they have created on the map in the
appropriate places.

6. Students will color grass, water and other large spaces of their maps with their choice of media.

Social Studies- Understanding of urban symbols like red cross for hospital and can draw a line from home to them.
Combined use of line, shape, and media to create map of hometown.

Teacher Resources
Maps, examples of hometown maps, examples of common symbols used to represent places in the community.

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